This is a standard Federal Government Report: EEO Employment Utilization.
The Report can be run for INDIVIDUAL JOBS, RANGES OF JOBS or for the COMPANY AS
Each Employee has an EEO CODE entered in their EMPLOYEE MASTER FILE. There are
3 elements to this Code:
Race - 1 White, 2 Black, 3 Hispanic, 4 Asian, 5 American Indian
Craft - (these codes were setup for your Crafts when Software was installed)
Level - 1 White Collar, 2 Journeyman, 3 Apprentice, 4 Trainee
After the JOB CODE and JOB DESCRIPTION there is a block of rows for each Craft.
There is a Row for EACH LEVEL and a TOTAL ROW for the CRAFT.
The columns from left to right are:
Total Empl. Black Hispanic Asian Amer. Ind. Minority Female Total Empl. Total Minorities
Male Fem. M F M F M F M F % % M F M F