This is the First part of the Deduction Type Code which is used to access this Record.
Drop Down List Box with 10 options: Examples:
D Deduction from Net Insurance, Child Support, Loan Repayment
D4 401k Plan FICA only (use for 401k plans ONLY)
F Fringe Benefits: Job Cost Health & Welfare, Pension, Apprentice
FO Fringe Benefits: Other Non-Union Fringe Benefits (used only in Employee Master)
R Reimbursement Refund non-job purchase
RJ Reimbursement: Job Cost Refund purchase to be charged to a Job
Ri Reimbursement for EIC Non taxed payment according to IRS rules for EIC
T Taxable Earnings Office Salary, Officer Bonus
TB Taxable Benefits: No FICA Medical Benefit Plan (per IRS rules)
TJ Taxable Earnings: Job Cost Field Bonus
U Union Deductions Union Dues, Vacation Fund