A listing of OPEN A/R INVOICE Records in the Open Accounts Receivable File
The sequence is alphabetically by CUSTOMER CODE, then by JOB CODE, then by
The Customer Code and CUSTOMER NAME print on a heading line.
The report lists EACH OPEN or UNPAID INVOICE for the Customer with Job Code, Invoice #,
Invoice Date and Due Date. Next are the AGING COLUMNS for Invoice Amounts; Current,
30, 60 and 60+. Finally are the RETAINED and TOTAL Columns.
There is a set of subtotals for the above amounts for each Customer,as well as a Grand
Total of all Invoice Amounts on the Report.
You can restrict printing of the Report to ONE JOB or ONE CUSTOMER for a Quick Lookup.
You also have an Option to IGNORE any future activity (for a MONTH END Report),.
and to print TOTALS ONLY (for Account Balancing purposes).